References for Somatic Inquiry #7

Kent Berridge, the main researcher on “liking” and “wanting,” defines these terms and provides links to twenty different studies.

Courtney, Dr. Rosalba. Resonance Frequency Breathing.

Grof, Stanislav & Grof, Christina (2010). Holotropic Breathwork: A New Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy (SUNY Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology).

Hanson, Rick (2013). Hardwiring Happiness, Harmony.

Hof, Wim. Breathing Practices.

Hof, Wim. (2020) The Wim Hof Method. Sounds True. 226 pages.

Kaiser Hospital, San Diego.  Paced Breathing Practice Videos.

Kramer, Joseph. A Social History of the First Ten Years of Taoist Erotic Massage.

Nestor, James. (2020) Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art. Riverhead Books. 301 pages.